Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2003, University of KansasM.S., Educational Leadership, 1993 Northern Arizona University
B.S., Elementary Education, 1985 Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Professional Experience:
California State University, San Bernardino September 2003 to PresentAssociate Professor, Science Math and Technology Education, Instructional Technology.
University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) 2000 to August 2003
Coordinator for Learning Generation a Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology funded project that seeks to improve the way technology is integrated in the Teacher Preparation program at the University of Kansas.
University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) 1998 to 2003
Coordinator for production and distribution for the Online Academy an Office of Special Education Programs funded project that developed web based instructional modules for online learning.
University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) 1996 to 2001
Coordinator for the University of Kansas activities in Four Directions, a Technology Innovation Challenge grant that assisted Native American schools throughout the United States to use technology as a catalyst for educational reform including greater integration of local language and culture into the instructional practices.
Northland Pioneer College (Holbrook, Arizona) 1986 to 1996
Computer science instructor for a variety of campuses including the Arizona State Prison at Winslow, Dilcon School and Greasewood School. Classes taught include Introduction to Computer Science, BASIC programming, Pascal programming, Integrated Software, Introduction to Disk Operating Systems, and Microcomputers for Educators.
Dilcon School (Dilcon, Arizona) 1987 to 1996
Middle School Reading and Math teacher, Elementary School Language Teacher, Computer Teacher, Title One Project Coordinator.
Greasewood Boarding School (Greasewood Arizona) 1985 to 1987
Fifth grade teacher, Computer teacher Grades K-8, Chapter One math teacher Grades 5-8.
Newberry, B. (in press). Digital video and photography. In Richardson, M. & Ennis, W. (Eds.), Emerging technology in the 21st century classroom. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publication Co.Aust, R., Newberry, B., O'Brien, J. & Thomas, J. (2012). Learning Generation: Innovations with tomorrow's teachers and technology. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 20(1).
Kouba, B., & Newberry, B. (2010) Assistive technology39s past, present and future. In Seok, S., Meyen, E. and DaCosta, B. (Eds.), Handbook of research on human cognition and assistive technology: Design, accessibility and transdisciplinary perspectives (360-373). IGI Global.
Newberry, B., & Logofatu, C. (2008). An online degree program course template development process. Journal of Online Teaching and Learning. 4(4).
Newberry, B., Jesunathadas, J. & Santiago, R. (2007). A study of faculty readiness for online teaching. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications 2007 (pp. 2426-2433). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Isaacson, R. & Newberry, B. (2007). Design of academic performance support systems. In R. Carlsen et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (pp. 1863-1870). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Seok, S., Meyen, E., Aust, R., Fitzpatrick, M., & Newberry, B. (2006). Three dimensions of the online course evaluation instrument in postsecondary education. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education. ISBN 0-889896-626-0 / CD: 0-889896-6287. IASTED 363 - 369.
Newberry, B. (2005). The use of bulletin boards for discussions in online learning. International Journal of Instructional Technology. 2(11).
Aust, R., Newberry, B., O'Brien, J., & Thomas, J. (2005). Learning Generation: Fostering innovation with tomorrow's teachers and technology. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 13 (2), pp. 167-195.
Newberry, B. (2005). Social Presence in distance education. In Howard, C, Boettcher, J, Justice, L. Schenk, K, Berg, G. & Rogers, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Distance Learning.
Newberry, B. (2001). Raising student social presence in online classes. In W. Fowler & J. Hasebrook (Eds.), Proceedings of WebNet 2001 World Conference on the WWW and the Internet (pp. 905-910), Orlando, FL. Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Newberry B. (2001) Children and computers. In Salkind, N. (Ed.), Macmillan Psychology Reference Series, Vol. 1: Child Development, New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002.
Aust, R., Newberry, B & Resta, P. (1996). Internet strategies for empowering indigenous communities in teaching and learning. Proceedings of 1996 Internet Society, Montreal. (
Editor of Navajos, A resource book for students and teachers. National Education Association. 1987.
Newberry B. (2011) The Silver Cloud and the Dark Lining. EdTech Classroom Conference, California State University, San Bernardino.Newberry, B. (2010). Invited Keynote Address: Putting the T in STEM. EdTech Classroom Conference, California State University, San Bernardino.
Newberry, B. (2010). Using Blogs as a Student Tool in Online Classes. TechEd 2010 in Pasadena California.
Newberry, B. (2010). eLearning in the K-12 Environment. TechEd 2010 in Pasadena California.
Newberry, B. (2009). Richer Media for Ambiguity Reduction and Presence in Online Classes. TechEd 2009 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. (2009). Unintended Consequences of ADA Requirements for Online Courses. TechEd 2009 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. (2007). Open Source Software and You. EdTech Classroom Conference, California State University, San Bernardino.
Newberry, B. (2007). Podcasting and Blogging for Teachers. EdTech Classroom Conference, California State University, San Bernardino.
Isaacson, R., Newberry, B. (2007). The Role of Technology in IDEA 2004 and NCLB. TechEd 2007 in Ontario California.
Isaacson, R., Newberry, B. (2007). Classroom Interface: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction. TechEd 2007 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. Isaacson, R. (2007). Using Rapid Prototyping for the Development of E-learning Resources. TechEd 2007 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. (2007). Raising Student Perception of Instructional Presence in Online Classes. TechEd 2007 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. (2006) Developing eLearning Templates for an Online Program. TechEd 2006 in Ontario California.
Isaacson, R. Newberry B. Aust R (2006). Sonification as an Aid to Listening in Synthetic Speech. National Educational Computing Conference, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Newberry, B. Logofatu, C. (2005). Using an Instructional Design Approach for the Development of Online Learning Templates. TechEd 2005 in Pasadena California.
Isaacson, B. Newberry, B. (2005). Design of Academic Performance Support Systems. National Educational Computing Conference, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Newberry, B. (2005) Learning that works via activity structures. The CSU Symposium on University Teaching, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona California.
Leh, A., Newberry B. (2004). Innovative Learning Environments. TechEd 2004 in Ontario California.
Newberry, B. (2004). Assessing and enhancing student-to-student interaction in online classes. TechEd 2004, Ontario California.
Aust, R., Isaacson, R. and Newberry, B. (2003) Designing Online Professional Development Resources for Teaching Diverse Students. National Educational Computing Conference. Seattle.
Aust, R., Newberry, B., O'Brien, Joe, Smith, S., Smith, S. J. (2003) Learning Generation: Fostering Innovation in Teacher Education with Technology. National Educational Computing Conference. Seattle.
Aust, R., Newberry, B. (2002) Learning Generation's Cohort Model. Technology Leadership Academy, Austin Texas at the University of Texas Austin.
Newberry, B. (2001) Online professional development. Technology Leadership Academy, Austin Texas at the University of Texas Austin.
Newberry, B. (2000) Online staff development. Technology Leadership Academy, Austin Texas at the University of Texas Austin, 22nd and 24th of September, 2000.
Valdez, S., Newberry, B., Isaacson, B. (1998). Administrative uses of local area networks in the Four Directions project. St. Paul, MN.
Newberry, B. (1998). Internet publishing. Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Newberry, B., (1998). The Four Directions summer institute's impact on Native American education. National Educational Computing Conference. Seattle, WA.
Aust, R., Newberry, B., Chiu, C. C., (1997). Enriching Native American education with culture, community, and technology. National Educational Computing Conference. San Diego, CA.
Newberry, B., Chiu, C. C., Isaacson, R., Prior, L., McLeod, L. (1997). Networking for the non-technical International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education, Austin Texas.
Chiu, C. C., Newberry, B., Prior, L., Hlavka, V., Gropper, D. (1997). HyperStudio vs. hypertext. International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education, Austin Texas.
Isaacson, R., Newberry, B., Gerber, B. (1997). Constructing school-based intranets. International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education, Austin Texas.
Prior, L., Isaacson, R., Newberry, B., Chiu, C. C., LeTourneau, C. (1997). Streaming the oral tradition. International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education, Austin Texas.
Newberry, B. (1997). Using technology as a tool for education reform. Improving America's Schools Education Reform Institutes: Dallas Texas.
Professional Activities:
2011: Serrano High School STEM Advisory Committee.2010: External Dissertation Reviewer for Mandi Batalo.
2010: External Portfolio Reviewer, University of Alaska, Southeast Instructional Technology Program.
2010: Department Chair Review Committee, Department of Science, Technology, Math Education, California State University, San Bernardino.
2008-2009: Digital Marketplace Committee, California State University, San Bernardino.
2007: Awarded Outstanding Faculty in the College of Education for Teaching.
2007: Chair of Education Leadership Committee.
2007: President's Special Committee on Website Improvement.
2007-2009: Student Grade Appeal Panel.
2006: Technology Consultant, PDC Technology Day.
2006-2007: Teaching Resource Center39s Instructional Technology consultant.
2006-2007: Member University Distributed Learning Committee.
2006-2007: Member College of Education Faculty Awards Committee.
2005: Expert Panel Member, Pamela M. Johnson, Doctoral Dissertation, North Carolina State University
2004-2007: Member EdTech Classroom Conference Steering Committee.
2003-2007: Member College of Education Technology Committee.
2003-2007: Member Education Leadership Committee.
2003-2007: Member College of Education Curriculum Committee.
2002: External evaluator for Navajo Exemplary Humanities Project, Seba Dalkai School, Arizona.
2002: Technology Plan Development Committee for the Office of Indian Education Programs. San Francisco, CA.
2001: Integrating technology in the pre-service teacher education curricula (Substituting for Ron Aust). Technology Leadership Academy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX.
2000: Staff Development Panel Discussion. Technology Leadership Academy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX. 22nd and 24th of September, 2000.
1999: Coordinated the set up, staffing and scheduling of the first ever computer lab at a National Indian Education Association conference in Oklahoma City, OK.
1998: Scheduling, Coordination, Presentations and Participant Facilitation. Four Directions Summer Institute, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS.
1998: Technical consultant to Blackwater Day School. Gila River, AZ.
1997: Scheduling, Coordination, Presentations and Participant Facilitation. Four Directions Summer Institute, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS.
1996: Scheduling, Coordination, Presentations and Participant Facilitation. Four Directions Summer Institute, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS.
1996: Designed and assisted with the installation of the Dilcon School multi-building Local Area Network.
1995: Assisted with technology training at the Bureau of Indian Affairs Chapter One School Improvement summer workshop with Ken and Yetta Goodman.
1995: Technology trainer at the Meisels Workshops for the Bureau of Indian Affairs summer held at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence Kansas and at the Southwestern Indian Polytechnical Institute in Albuquerque New Mexico.
1995: Team Chair for the North Central Association school visitation of Nazlini School.
1993: Presenter at the Regional Chapter One Administrator's Conference in Sacramento, California.
1992: Member of the Ganado Middle School North Central Association visitation team.
1992: Presenter at the Regional Chapter One Teacher's Conference in Mesa Arizona.
1991: Member of the Chuska School North Central Association visitation team.